Saturday, February 7, 2015

ARSENAL, Wenger on Walcott: "Now he needs a long time without injuries"

Aside from White Hart Lane match today's event, Arsène Wenger talked about long-term injured Theo Walcott, who's about to renew his own deal with Arsenal: “Theo's first [attribute] is the quality of his reception. It is absolutely exceptional, one of the best in the world, with the timing of his movement and where he goes. When I say quality of receptions, it's the area where he will get the ball. In that, he is certainly top, top, top because he has the pace behind it as well.
I think he is not completely there yet. It's normal because he's been out for a year but you can see week after week, he gets better. I think just before he was injured, he was the best Theo I have ever seen. He had a good balance between being physical and using his pace - and the quality of his finishing had improved tremendously.
When he scored the goal on Sunday against Villa, you can see he’s a great finisher now. He had a lot of injuries. I think what he needs is to be a long time without injury. He is 25 now, and it’s the right age for him. It’s now that is decisive for his career, [from the ages of] 25 to 30".

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